Speedkills Leather Speed Bag with Lightweight Latex Pocket

$68.10 USD

Overview of the Speedkills Leather Speed Bag

The Speedkills Leather Speed Bag is a perfect addition to your boxing gear. This Speed Bag is designed to enhance your overall training performance by improving your boxing speed and agility. Our Leather Speed Bag is lightweight and includes a latex pocket for a smooth and fast response.

New to our collection, the Speedkills Leather Speed Bag combines upbeat design with supreme rotating speed. It offers a great bounce back to enable you to practice your punching technique without interruption. Made of premium leather making it sturdy enough to withstand intense training sessions.

The Latex Pocket adds a layer of ease and functionality to our Speed Bag. It is designed to absorb high impact punches, thereby providing the highest level of resistance. Experience the ultimate endurance training tool with the Speedkills Leather Speed Bag. These are ideal for boxers who are looking to improve their speed and precision.